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121 N Main St
Alma WI 54610
Some helpful info from my web hosting partner about some issues that have happened.
I'm getting an error when I try to place an order. What do I do? If you're having trouble completing your order, there are several things to check. Nearly every ordering issue is due to failure of the charge to go through to your credit card.
Don't use a prepaid credit or debit card
Orders placed using prepaid cards will often fail, please use a regular credit or debit card.
Confirm your billing information Make sure your credit card information (name, billing address, ZIP code, etc.) matches exactly with what the credit card provider has on file, then try your order again.
Contact your credit card provider. Many card providers may flag a domain or web hosting account purchase as possible credit card fraud, and put an automatic block in place. Ask your card provider (call the phone number on the back of your card) to disable such blocks, then try placing your order again.
Try another payment method. If one payment method fails, please try a different card.
Try another browser We recommend trying on another browser to see if your issue is browser-specific.
Now my info:
NOTICE: Some scam artists are using my leathergoodsconnection email as the return email on their spam. I don't send unsolicited emails. Don't reply to them and don't provide any information. Email from me will have your order number in the subject. I only send email if there is a question about your order and to notify you when your order has been shipped. Contact me through links on this web site. Be sure there is something relevent in the subject line. I don't open emails that say "Hi" or "CAN YOU HELP ME?" or Re: or Fwd unless I remember a previous email and the sender isn't something like Bozo@gmail.com
Warning- If you are using a wide screen monitor images may appear more elongated than they really are if your resolution isn't set properly. If you want to let me know that you have questions when you place an order there is a comments window where you can type in instructions. I will read this before processing your order and contact you if necessary to clarify. I email reply or text, all I ever get when I call is voice mail, or your wife whom you haven't told about your order.
There is a new "simplified" one page checkout. We offer Master Card, Visa, Discover, and PayPal as payment options. Be sure your PayPal account is set up to meet the total amount of your purchase. After making the PayPal payment be sure to "Continue" to return to LGC website to complete the transaction.
The issue with shipping and billing phone numbers has been resolved with a default number that you can leave to protect your privacy, or can change to your phone number if you feel I may need to contact you by phone, or text which we all use now. It would be an extreme case if I did that because you aren't checking your emails. Be sure to provide your correct email address and allow my email past your spam blocker otherwise you won't get your order confirmation, or shipping notification. Emails are on the way out so sometimes I text not knowing if you supply mobile or land line.
E-Mail ( preferred, I personally answer all e-mails promptly ) See email link below, I can't make this stuff and be on the phone too. I check the e-mails from time to time during the day as my schedule allows and if I hear the computer beep. My refresh time on e-mail is 10 min. This means, stay on line, you may get an answer in about 5 - 15 minutes if I am in the shop and hear the beep. Check for a return email the day after placing an order.
I do not accept phone orders. With phone orders I have no proof that you actually placed an order...what it was for...or that you approved the price and what you ordered isn't on my computer for book keeping purposes, or there when you call back in two years and expect me to know what size you wear. It wastes my time doing what I have paid for a computer to do and is way below my pay scale... I don't want to hang on the phone while you go to the garage to find a tape measure to measure the belt you are wearing :>) Time spent doing that delays someone else's order. The way it is no I can't find past orders unless you have your order number, so keep the card I send with your order. The search with this new web host doesn't work right now. Maybe they lost all that info with the migration to different servers.
I am really surprised that rather than trust a secure ordering system, people would rather call up someone they never met, and give their credit card info to whoever answers the phone. Maybe it is someone using your stolen credit card, there is no way for me to know.
I had a woman call asking questions about ordering a belt, I read the answers to her off the web site page. I told her all the info was there on the web site. She said, "Oh, I don't read all that STUFF". Well, the price these products are offered for, is based on you reading all that STUFF and placing your order online, instead of calling and asking me to read it to you.
If you supply an incorrect billing address, the processing company charges me a higher percentage to process your order (which averages $6.00 per order when all is said and done),and flags your order for me to spend extra time on deciding if I should process or cancel your order.
If you do not supply the three digit code on the back of your card... which is there for internet orders, so we know you actually have the card... (which protects you), the processing company charges me a higher percentage to process your order and flags your order for me to spend extra time on as above.
If you don't type in your email address correctly you won't get your order confirmation... And I won't be able to contact you about your order if there is a problem, and I won't be able to email you to tell you that your order has been shipped.
If you have spam protection which trashes my emails... it's the same as if you typed in your email address incorrectly... except I won't know you didn't get my emails...
In the two cases above customers eventually call me on the phone... wasting my time asking me if I got their order or not... implying that I am incompetent... which is more and more likely.. but not always.
The newest wrinkle is the instant online banking info some people are hooked up to. Here's the deal... when you place your order the system places an authorization in order to check billing address, card code, and zip code. (The same as when you check into a hotel) If you email me later to add something to your order, or, say you type in a monogram but don't select monogram... I email you and ask what's the deal??? you say ok charge me for it (Shucks, didn't work). So I change the price and process it. Now the authorization doesn't match the amount so the authorization stays for a few days. You email me and accuse me of charging you twice, as if I am the one trying to get away with something. I have to email you and say check it again and you will see that there is only one charge, the other is only the authorization... Before the I pod you never knew, because the authorization wasn't on your statement, if you ever actually read your statement. So when you check your account on the internet... ACTUALLY READ IT, before you panic and email me.
You can mail an order to LGC,P.O. Box 395 Alma WI 54610 Include your contact info, card info and e-mail address. Best method is to select your items and put them in the shopping cart. The new one page checkout will provide all the information I will need. Fill out the form, print out a copy (control P) and send it with your payment.
Yeah, you can't trust those online people... and that online stuff... better to send your order in, Pony Express. What if your order and card number gets stolen out of my mail box by a drug addict... can't be too careful... better to drive up here and place your order on Christmas day, like that guy from Atlanta... said, "Happy Holidays, and a prosperous new year"... never would have found me it it weren't for the GPS his wife gave him for Christmas... just testing it out...
Look at it from where I am, think about how many scammers have me in their sights because they know where I am. I don't have a free hotmail address that I change every week, I have a big investment in being dependable. Read "Customer Comments"... I couldn't make that stuff up. If I could, I'd be able to sell my novel and retire :>)
During check out you can choose Priority or First Class U.S. Postal Service shipping but it will usually go Priority Mail with tracking. The system charges shipping and handling for orders based on the price of the order. Really small orders can sometimes be shipped First Class for less which I can switch to and lower the shipping chg., but can be a slow delivery. I have a new system now that sends you tracking when I print the label and I can find if I have your order number.
Priority Mail delivery seems to be 2-3 days anywhere in the U.S.A. Priority Mail service is not available outside the U.S. Foreign orders will be shipped Air Mail with the customer taking responsibility for delivery. Email me for instructions.
All orders placed on-line are shipped the next working day if in stock. Most items are not in stock because of the many options. These items really are made just for you according to your choices. Your order is scheduled, cut sewn and should be shipped in 7 working days or less. Expect delays in Nov. and Dec., order early.
All orders are made and shipped in the order that they are received unless there is a material supply delay, or you have not provided necessary information. Your order will not be held up if there is a delay with an earlier order.
If for some reason it will take longer than 7 days I will notify you by e-mail. Please be sure to enter your e-mail address correctly as it is the only way I can contact you promptly.
HOW TO ORDER - Select options then Click on the ORDER button or is it ADD to SHOPPING CART. You will then be transferred to the secure server.
You can review your order and make changes at any time by clicking on the SHOW
ORDER button. Fill out the credit card and shipping information and SUBMIT your
order. We will confirm receipt of your order. This is done automatically. If I have any question about your order
I will send a follow up email. Check your email later in the day or the next day so that I can proceed with your order. If you want to
make a change to your order or supply additional information email me as soon as possible.
All orders must be prepaid by credit card or PayPal. NOTE: I will not
actually charge the order
to your credit card until
your item is scheduled to be made.
LeatherGoodsConnection wants you to be happy with your
purchase. If, for any reason, you are not 100% satisfied, non customized items can be returned for exchange or credit if received within 30 days of purchase provided you return it directly to LeatherGoodsConnection in its
original UNUSED condition, as per our guarantee and return info. Belts are custom items made to your requirements and are not returnable if you measure incorrectly. Keep in mind that these goods are not in stock, they are custom made for you. Do not order two colors of something so you can choose the one you like and return the other. Once we've confirmed receipt I'll either process your exchange or reverse your credit card charges provided that the item is in the same condition as when shipped and it is not a non-stock color or style or a wallet made Left Hand.
Please note that shipping costs and card processing costs incurred during the transaction are not refundable.
If the item was received in damaged or defective condition,
please call me at 608 685 4775 or e-mail me
click here to email Larry to arrange for replacement or like new repair.
CHANGED YOUR MIND? - Call me ASAP at 608 685 4775 or
email me Please have your order number available. If your purchase has not been
shipped, I'll cancel your order and reverse your
credit card charges.
Most items will be shipped within 7 business days after receipt of order.
You will be notified by E-mail if your order will be delayed.
SALES TAX - Sales tax is automatically added to your order
only if the "Ship To" address is in WI
CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED LeatherGoodsConnection accepts PayPal, Discover, American Express, VISA and, MasterCard.
Your credit card order is processed through PayPal's secure system
Once your order is transmitted to us, LeatherGoodsConnection
keeps your personal information secure while it validates the
transaction and processes your order using state-of-the-art
secure technology. Your card info is automatically deleted after 30 days.
PRIVACY POLICY -LeatherGoodsConnection
respects your privacy. We do not sell, rent or loan any
information about you to any third party.
LeatherGoodsConnection does not collect any
personal information about you except as specifically and
knowingly provided by you. When you place an order, we collect
your name, mailing address, telephone number, and any other
information you provide as it relates to your order. We may collect
domain names and email addresses of visitors,
and email addresses of those who
post messages or communicate with us via email.
Persons who supply us with their telephone numbers
online will only receive telephone contact from us if we must
provide them with additional information or if we have Questions about the orders they have placed online, and only then if they do not answer emails
for 30 days. We try a text first.
You should be aware that non-personal information and data
may be automatically collected through the standard operation
of LeatherGoodsConnection internet host servers or through the
use of "cookies". Cookies are files that your web browser
places on your computer's hard drive. LeatherGoodsConnection
creates and then uses these cookies files to track your clicks
as you go through our website to keep track of items you put
into your shopping cart, to tell us whether you have visited
LeatherGoodsConnection before, and to help us determine whether
you came to our website from another one of our web sites. If you do not want
information collected through
the use of cookies, there is a simple procedure in most
browsers you can activate that allows you to deny or accept the
cookies feature.
Help keep the internet free from fraud. If you have questions about internet fraud or wish to report fraud the FBI has a fraud link somewhere... The one I had doesn't work anymore... maybe they were fitting too many complaints.
If you got this far you must be a legal student. Let me know of any errors or omissions.